Impact of Breathing with awareness in daily life!

What is the impact of pranayama and meditation in daily life?
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What is the impact of Pranayama and Meditation in daily life?

Breathe a Little
Find awareness a little
Do pranayama a little
Find concentration a little
Purify the mind a little
Meditate a little

Breathe and be aware; Control the breath and control the mind; Control the mind and concentrate; Concentrate and purify the mind; Purify and Meditate.

It all begins with breathing and awareness of the process of breathing. Still your body and become aware of our physical self; become aware of the physical discomforts. This basic practice is the beginning of becoming and staying in awareness for longer. Continue this practice and develop control over body, breath and mind.

Breath is the one process which is dual in nature while it is autonomous and happens on its own, we have been given the capacity to voluntarily control our breath. This aspect was put to use by our ancient seers for our own good. For better health and vitality, the voluntary control of our breath, in a set manner has developed into the science of pranayama.
Pranayama done as per this science regulates all the body systems and reduces disturbances in the physical processes getting ready for the practice of Meditation.



Pranayama & Meditation for inner stability and calmness

'Prana' or the vital life force within the human personality is the link between the body and mind. Practice of pranayama allows to channel and balance the flow of this energy, in the process bringing balance into our body and mind.

Our breath reflects our state of mind at all times. Shallow breathing means - thoughts are not clear, mind is not quiet and still. On the other hand deep breathing is a sign of a relaxed and a quiet state of mind and one that helps us keep ourselves stable during a crisis too.

This all happens with our awareness on one single breath on a daily basis. Staying in awareness of one breath and the next and the next and the next, making a daily practice of it for even ten mins a day will start to shift things in your life. Go ahead give it a go! Just relax and immerse yourself in your breath daily for 10 mins!

The breathing process and the quality of the breath has a very powerful impact on not only our physical body but also our mental and emotional state.The deeper the quality of our breathing the closer we get to allowing meditation to happen.The more times we are able to reach the meditative state in our daily life the more we are able to take life's external circumstances in our stride and take necessary action with a calm and relaxed attitude.

Bottom line

The breathing process and the quality of the breath has a very powerful impact on not only our physical body but also our mental and emotional state. This all happens with our awareness on one single breath on a daily basis. Staying in awareness of one breath and the next and the next and the next, making a daily practice of it for even ten mins a day will start to shift things in your life. Go ahead give it a go! Just relax and immerse yourself in your breath daily for 10 mins!

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